12:00pmm - 16:00pm

Hydraulic Analysis Limited 2
Digital Twins, Surge Analysis and Pressure Transient Experts. With over 45 years of experience and over 10,000 studies completed in over 50 countries, we are the leading global experts for the provision of tailored digital hydraulic real-time and leak detection modelling solutions, surge analysis studies and specialised on-site diagnostics.
Digital Water Management Network
Many countries are facing a significant problems with their ageing water network infrastructure. There is an increasing need to accurately show current performance in order to address operational issues such as pipeline leakage and pressure transients. Hydraulic Analysis are able to offer a highly effective and low cost long term solution to provide up-to-date real life status of the pipeline or network. This technology has been developed by us and is proven and widely used in the Middle East.

A transient hydraulic simulator of a mixed material DMA in South Wales was built as part of a pilot project for DCWW with 17 GPRS pressure loggers deployed across the DMA with data logging rates varying between 5 second and 30 second intervals (Figure 1). The simulator has been proven to be a highly accurate Digital Twin of the entire DMA and includes all equipment that can affect the system hydraulic operation and performance (Figure 2). The Digital Twin identified a potential burst in the DMA within the red circled area and was confirmed that a burst was found within this location (Figure 3)
Blind Burst Leak Test
This image evidences the outcome of a blind leak test carried out by DCWW. A hydrant was cracked open in the DMA and the Digital Twin alarmed and showed an anomaly around the two pressure loggers shown in red. Hydraulic Analysis reported this alarm to DCWW and it was confirmed that the hydrant was located in the intersection of the 2 red circles.
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